Reasons Why We Get Dry Flaky Skin

The dry flaky skin usually happens when the natural oily layer of the body dries out. The skin is not able to produce the enough moisture and oil for the body. Athlete’s foot infection is one of the most popular causes of producing dry skin aliments. Actually it is a type of fungus that produces the white dry scaly and sometimes red skin. It is highly recommended to show infected person to a physician before using any kind of drugs or medicines.

Dry flaky skin is also popularly referred to as a kind of ring worm infection and this type of disease is different from other diseases like psoriasis and eczema. There are many reasons behind getting the dry flay skin. In this article, we can take a look at each of them.

Washing skin too often

Water and soap strip away the various naturally protective oils of skin. In fact, only water will also do the same affect but it works more rapidly when it is treated with chlorinated like soaps. In this kind of situation the hands are most commonly affected. Most of the people wash their hands dozens of times in a day, in order to avoid germs or bacteria. So, this thing will become the cause of dry flaky skin.

Low Humidity Level

During the winters, the low humidity is very common. The cold air outside when combines with the warm air inside will creates some problems and hot showers make this situation worse.

Nutritional Deficiencies

The nutritional deficiencies will have a bad effect on the look of the skin. It is one of the most common causes of drying of the skin. The deficiency of vitamin A will causes the outer layer of the skin to become rougher and dryer.
The important thing is that the low blood levels of the Vitamin A are associated with the acne. So, I think it is pretty much to show you, how important the vitamins are to maintain the overall health of the skin. The most common symptom of the deficiency of Vitamin A is dry eyes.
The deficiency of Vitamin A is not very common in the developed countries due to the food fortifications but on the other hand the deficiency of Vitamin D is becoming increasingly common in the developed countries. The dry flaky skin might be the symptom of the deficiency of Vitamin D, while its other symptoms are fatigue and depressio
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